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Choice Reviews

Provides information about using CHOICE Reviews online to aid faculty in being part of the collection development process for their discipline.

How to View and Share Your Choice Reviews Lists

How to View Your Lists

view lists

To view a list you have saved, click on the Lists drop-down on the navigation bar, and click Lists under My Lists to open it.  At the bottom of the page, you will see the lists that you have created.  You can click on any of your lists to open it and can also edit your list from there once you have opened the list.


How to Share Your Lists (purchase recommendations for your department)

share list

From the Lists menu, click on the gear icon for the list you wish to share with your Librarian Liaison for purchase recommendations and chose one of the two options.  You can choose to Download List to have your list download to your device as an Excel file that you could then share with your liaison as an attachment via email.  Or another option is to choose Print.


print pdf list

If you select Print from the gear menu, then please chose to Save as PDF so you can then save the file to your device.  You can then email the PDF file as an attachment to your liaison via email for a purchase recommendation for your department.