Simple Search
From the library's list of A-Z Databases, select Choice Reviews. Type a word into the simple search box at the top right of the navigation bar. When you enter multiple words, the default operator is OR, so if you are searching for an exact phrase or multiword combination, use quotation marks around the search terms: "biomedical engineering" "Ivan Pavlov".
You can also just do a search of reviews by clicking on Reviews in the navigational bar. This is an easy way to just browse reviews by subject or by most recent reviews.
Search Results
Search results may be ordered using the drop-down menus at the head of the search results list. You can also specify the number of results displayed on each page.
To help you quickly find reviews of the most recently published works, the default sort order is Most Recent Reviews. When the currency is not an issue, Most Relevant is often a desirable strategy. You can also clear your results to start over.
Use facets (left-hand side of search results page) to quickly filter by Subject Area, Readership Level, Recommendation Level, Review Date range, Format, Outstanding Academic Titles, or Community College titles.
When you apply a facet, the filter is shown in a box at the top of the page. To clear the facet, click the X on the facet name or click Clear Results.
Save a Search and Create Alerts
After you've run a search, click the "Save Search Results" icon at the top of the search results list. You will be asked to name your search. Please note that to use this feature you need to have created an account.
You can run the searches you have saved by clicking on Lists > My Lists > My Saved Searches & Alerts. When your saved searches are displayed, simply click on a search name to run the search again.
Saved searches can be programmed to run at regular intervals and to alert you to new additions to the search results. Choose the saved search for which you wish to create an alert; then select an interval (once a week, once a month) from the drop-down menu. An email will be sent to you when new items appear in your search results. Please note that to use this feature you need to have created an account.