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News Sources

A guide to news sources, both in print and online, available at Paul Meek Library.

The Concept of Fake News

Fake news is not new. And fake news is not news you disagree with! It's not even really news. So, what is it? Fake news can be defined as, "A work of fiction that is presented as a factual news story, often with the intent of deceiving the reader into believing it is factual and enticing them to share it." 

Biased NewsA way of reporting on a factual news story that is designed to sway a reader toward a specific conclusion. This differs from fake news because the underlying facts are true but may be presented selectively or misleadingly to encourage the reader to think a particular way.

Click BaitA term used to describe articles, either real or fake, that have attention-grabbing headlines and intentionally inflammatory content, designed to entice readers to click on the article and share the content.

Confirmation BiasA tendency of people to seek out and trust sources that affirm a belief they already hold and to distrust sources that contradict their existing beliefs.

How to See Past Your Own Perspectives Video


Check out the above TED video from 2017 to hear more about filter bubbles and the importance of our common reality. Michael Patrick Lynch is a professor of philosophy at the University of Connecticut.  For more information on the speaker and his work, you can visit this University of Connecticut faculty page.