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Social Work

Social Work is work in any of the services provided by local government for the care of underprivileged people, eg the poor, the aged, people with disabilities, etc. The Chambers 21st Century Encyclopedia

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Professional organizations serve many purposes:

  • Providing professional development
  • Providing a professional network
  • Listing job opportunities
  • Providing professional support and advocacy
  • Informing on current trends and issues in the field 


Council on Social Work Education

National Association of Social Workers

National Association of Social Workers - TN Chapter

School Social Work Association of America

eBOOK Careers in Social work

Careers in Social Work

Click image to access current and detailed information about top 20 occupations for social work.

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Click on the image for Bureau of Labor Statistics (below) for information on pay expectations, pay per state pay expectations, job outlook, duties, work environment, similar occupations, and more.