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Census Data
United States Census Bureau
Here find links to several broad categories:
People & Households (2010 Census)
Business & Industry
Population Estimates
Special Topics
Search by states, counties, city/town and zip.
Census Quick Facts
QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.
Interactive Maps
Here you may work with interactive mapping tools from across the United States Census Bureau.
Explore Census Data (NEW)
The Census Bureau is the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy.
American Housing Survey
American Housing Survey reports and tables. Most recent data on the American Housing Survey for the past 6 months. Also links to other agencies or organizations which provide American Housing Survey data and information.
CDC Centers for Disease Control
National Center for Health Statistics (CDC)
The National Center for Health Statistics offers downloadable data files through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Fast Facts
The FastStats site provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance and is organized alphabetically. Links are provided to publications that include the statistics presented, to sources of more data, and to related web pages.
National Center for Health Statistics
Click her for access to the PDF, Health United States 2017
Data Analysis System (DAS)