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Educational Studies

Supporting the mission of preparing educators in initial and advanced programs as facilitators of active learning for P-12 learners in diverse and inclusive communities..

Tennessee State Academic Standards K-12 Overview

English Language Arts

State Standards for English Language Arts

The standards reinforce the three ELA instructional shifts: regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary; reading and writing grounded in evidence from literary and informational text; and building knowledge through content rich literary and informational text. 


State Standards for Mathematics

The math standards were designed to ensure that Tennessee graduates are prepared for the rigorous demands of mathematical understanding college and career.


State Standards for Science

An exploration of all three dimensions of science instruction:  science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary care ideas. 

Social Studies

State Standards for Social Studies

The standards for social studies are divided into six content strands:

C-Culture; E-Economics; G-Geography; H-History; P-Politics, Government and/or Civics; T-Tennessee History

Early Learning Development

Early Learning Development Standards (TN-ELDS)

Developed to provide documentation of the continuum of developmental milestones from birth through age five based on the research about the processes, sequences, and long term consequences of early learning and development.